Home / Two Pigs and T.H.E. Wolf

Two Pigs and T.H.E. Wolf

Making Good Choices in Difficult Situations
Suzie Pig-a-Dig is about to find out that life on her own is not all fun and games. If T.H.E. Wolf’s plan works, with the help of the audience, of course, Suzie, Bobby, and Gracie’s houses will be blown down and pork will be on the menu.

Will Suzie ever catch a butterfly?

How does this lone-wolf handle these dynamic characters?

What happened to Bobby?

Wait! Gracie has a plan of her own–hmm, is everything all it seems to be?

Story Emphasis: bullying, character traits, good choices, friendship, repetitive style.

Program Length: 45-minutes

Audience: Elementary ages and Family Night

1-hour Set Up Time/45-minute Strike Time

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“Not only did I get good feedback from students, but also, I had a lot of teachers thank me for bringing you in. I heard things like “appreciated the reinforcement on skills” and “my students were 100% engaged.”  Thank you again for your passion for your work—it was a great way to end my school year. (2 Pigs & T.H.E. Wolf)”

Jennifer Coleman, Murchison Elementary, Pflugerville

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Picture of Storybook Theatre of Texas' Two Pigs and THE wolf
Two Pigs and T.H.E. Wolf